Maryland Schools: Overcrowding In Baltimore County Schools

Success breeds more students, but the additional students in some Baltimore County Schools are creating quite a challenge for the teachers and administrators at the schools. We examine the growing problem of school growth and plans the district could implement to stop it.

Success breeds popularity, but in Baltimore County Schools, that popularity can be more than school officials bargained for. Overcrowding has become a serious problem for many successful schools in this large county, leaving few options for a district that has little money in the budget for expansion. However, doing nothing is not viable either, as future projections show the problem growing rather than subsiding.

According to a recent report at the Parkville Patch, 2012 enrollment for Baltimore County is 106,885 students. By 2020, that number is expected to jump to 111,488, with steady increases annually until that time. The report used Cohort Survival Methodology to make the predictions listed, assuming students will enroll through the grade levels sequentially. In addition, new housing construction in the area was considered as the projections were calculated.

Schools Deal with Tough Conditions

Overcrowding issues impact numerous schools throughout Baltimore County. The Baltimore Sun recently reported on three Maryland schools that are well over capacity; Hillcrest Elementary, Westchester Elementary, and Catonsville Elementary. Of the three, Hillcrest appears to be suffering the most right now, with a student body of 841 students in a building designed to hold just 666. Likewise, Westchester has an excess of 85 students over capacity, and Catonsville currently boasts 31 students over their capacity limit.

With nearly 200 students over capacity, Hillcrest faces a myriad of issues, from frequently stopping toilets to classes assembling in hallways. Lunch “hour” lasts almost three hours for the school, with some students breaking for lunch before 11:00 a.m. and others having to wait to eat until nearly 2:00 p.m. The school therapist has an office in a converted closet, according to ABC 2 News. Even the parking lot for the school feels the pain, with crowded conditions prohibiting students who can take the bus from getting rides from home.

This video shows how the Baltimore Schools plan to handling the overcrowding situation.

The principal of Hillcrest, Terry McVey, has asked the district for more portable classrooms to get students out of their current hallway venues. However, McVey warned the trailers are a temporary solution to what could be a more permanent problem.

“That would get us by next year and maybe the following year, but nothing’s definite in terms of staffing, planning, or budgets for next year,” McVey told the Baltimore Sun.

While some might assume a new building is a logical answer to these issues, the solution is more complex than constructing a more prominent place for students and teachers to meet. Charles Herndon, a spokesman for Baltimore County Schools, explains that the construction of a new school needs to be weighed against the resources currently available to the district. In a growing county like Baltimore, land doesn’t come cheap, and schools rarely have enough resources.

Reasons for Success

One of the reasons Hillcrest has seen such a high rate of growth is its record of academic success. With 95 percent scores on math and reading tests, the school boasts some of the highest standardized test scores in the state. Catonsville and Westchester have scored nearly as high as Hillcrest. Families learn of those scores and then move into the school’s area to ensure their children receive the most increased education possible. Even with the crowding issues, parents have mostly positive things to say about the Hillcrest staff.

“It’s overcrowded because it’s an extremely successful school,” Mike Bowler, a Baltimore County School Board member, told the Baltimore Sun. “In a sense, it’s a victim of its success.”

This video reports on reaction to the overcrowding situation.

Committee Examines Solutions to Crowding Issue

To address the crowding problem from various perspectives, Hillcrest has appointed a four-member parent team to assess the primary issues caused by overcrowding and possible solutions to those issues. Erica Mah, one of the parents on the committee, told the Baltimore Sun that crowding had been an issue for the school for some time. However, she also warned that if enrollment figures continue to increase as predicted, the problem could worsen before it gets better.

Mah said the plumbing system for Hillcrest is one of the top concerns she has at this time. She explained that as the system becomes overwhelmed, toilets in some bathrooms back up, causing a stench in the school. Another problem, according to Mah, is the extended lunch hour. She is concerned that more students could mean the lunch hour could extend further, forcing kids to eat their midday meal earlier or later. In addition, the extended use of the cafeteria for lunch means the school isn’t always able to schedule enrichment activities and other special events for children during the school day.

As schools in Baltimore County continue to weigh their options, one group advocates for their needs. Towson Families United was initially established to address concerns about overcrowding at Rodger Forge Elementary. Still, the group has expanded to address the needs of other crowded schools in the district as well. The organization has been instrumental in helping schools get money for additions and new school construction to accommodate students.

Still, the overcrowding problem appears to be a constant one for the county. Baltimore County officials and administrators at individual schools will keep searching for solutions - from additional temporary classrooms to more staff and new school buildings. If Baltimore County Public Schools continue to succeed, they will continue to look for ways to accommodate more students in their rapidly growing school system.

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